THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL , Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas
APRIL 9, 1947
Obituaries: Anna C. Hartman Anna Hartman was a sister-in-law of Mrs. Elizabeth Hartman of Mazeppa. Up until two years ago she was employed at the Anoka Cottage for the Insane of Anoka, when she suffered a stroke. A second stroke caused her death.
The week of April 12 through 17 has been designated by order of the Village Council as CLEAN-UP WEEK.
The Village Council
M.E. BASEMENT PROGRESSING: Most of the excavating has been completed for the new Methodist church basement. Block has been laid for the north wall, and work is now in progress on the south.
SOUTH MAZEPPA NEWS: Mrs. Winfred Larson is ill with rheumatic fever. Curtis Larson is spending a few weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willers, near Oak Center.
Local News: Emil Hofschulte is the owner of a new Dodge truck, which was purchased recently. The W.S.C. S. met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Marlyn Gerken with Mrs. Clyde Thomas assisting. Following the reading of the Scripture, the Devotional was given by Miss Ruth Crouch. Mrs. Henry Thiele read an interesting program entitled, “Rural Churches’. Plans were discussed for the kitchen in the new basement. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Poquette and daughters, and Joe, Jerry and Maurice Hoffman accompanied Bill Sandon to Rochester, Sunday, when he left for Lake Forest, Ill., after spending a week with local relatives.
JUNE 20, 1947 Eimermann Announces Opening of Summer Recreation Program Here: The newly-formed Recreation Advisory committee will hold its first meeting Friday, June 20, at the 8 p.m. in the high school. The committee is composed of one representative from each of the following organizations; Mazeppa Commercial Club, Mazeppa American Legion post, city council, Women’s auxiliary, the three church groups, the Improvement Club. Opening day has been set for Monday, June 23 at the Mazeppa Park. Playground hours for the week of June 23 will be 9:30-12 and 1:30-4:30. There will be a half day of play Saturday mornings.
E.G. EIMERMANN ELECTED HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: At the regular meeting Monday evening, the board of education named F.G. Eimermann as high school principal, replacing A. J. Nornberg, who has resigned.
Obituaries: MARILYN JEAN GRUHLKE: Funeral services for Marilyn Jean Gruhlke of Zumbro Falls were held at the Mazeppa Methodist Church Thursday, June 19, at 2:30 p.m. Miss Gruhlke died suddenly early Monday morning en route to St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester. The 18 year old girl is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gruhlke of Zumbro Falls, three sisters, Delaine, Janice and June, and a brother Joyce.
Father F.J. Ring Ordained June 18: The Reverend Francis J. Ring, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fr. Ring of SS. Peter & Paul’s parish, Mazeppa, was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood by the Most Rev. George J. Donnelly, D.D. Bishop of Leavenworth, on June 18th in the Immaculate Chapel. St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s Kansas. He will off his first Solemn High Mass on Tuesday, June 24 at 10 o’clock in Saint Joseph’s Church in Theilman.
Local News: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Tri have taken an apartment at the W.F. Tri home. Diane, Roger and Arnold Morrisey of Zumbro Falls spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Susan Arendt. Lawrence Hofschulte returned home from the Veteran’s hospital, Minneapolis, Tuesday. F.W. Kingsley underwent treatment at St. Andrew’s hospital, Minneapolis. Mrs. Emil Hofschulte underwent a minor operation at St. John’s hospital, Red Wing, Tuesday morning.
JUNE 27, 1947
TWO ESCAPE INJURY IN AUTO ACCIDENT: Two young men from Ryan’s Bay miraculously escaped injury or death shortly after 10 Tuesday evening, when their automobile crashed into the west approach to the bridge near Goodman’s corner, turned over and landed top down in the creek.
Mrs. Clara Huberty Funeral Wednesday: Clara Hilger daughter of John and Mary Hilger was born Oct. 6, 1881, at Mazeppa. She was married in 1906 in this community to Jacob Huberty, who preceded her in death.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roper of St. Charles have purchased the home owned by Francis Musty and moved here Saturday with their family. Mr. Roper has taken over the Watkins route for this territory. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hofschulte are the parents of a son born Tuesday morning at the Lake City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex Weber, Mrs. Elizabeth Weber, Jerry Hoffman, and Joe and Michaeline Hoffman attended the Father Francis Ring’s first Solemn High Mass at Theilman, Tuesday morning. Mrs. Max Cliff is a patient in the Lake City hospital, following an injury in which she suffered a cracked vertebra. Miss Helen Denison has accepted a teaching position at Winona for the next school year. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Miller of Rochester spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Steichen and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Prokasky. Mrs. Prokasky returned with them to visit until Wednesday evening.
OPENING DANCE AT THE GAHLER NITE CLUB JULY 4/ DANCING 8 P.M. to 1 A.M. Chicken Supper/ Midnight until 1:00 A.M.