Messenger-July-2017 THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL , Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas July 5, 1946 Herron-Siems: Marriage vows were spoken by Miss Beth Siems, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Siems, Mazeppa and Milton E. Herron, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Herron, Lake City, in a ceremony at the Methodist church Rochester, Sunday afternoon, June 23. Damman-Ahrens: Miss Dorothy Ahrens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahrens of Lake City, and Elton Damman, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Damman of Mazeppa, were married at the Lake City Lutheran church June 25. Bellechester: Mary Perrotte spent the week-end with Joan Befort. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Oelkers have moved into the creamery house in New Bellechester. Mr. Oelkers is employed at the Oak Center garage. Mrs. Margaret Schmitt, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Katherine Majerus, is visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Schmitt. Glen Siems attended the butter-makers’ picnic at White Bridge Thursday. Jim Redding Swims Again: The recent issue of the Minneapolis Star-Journal carried the following fine story on Jim Redding, son of Mrs. Maude Redding of Mazeppa. “The war robbed Jim Redding of his legs. “But it doesn’t prevent him from leading a normal life.” “The first double amputee of World War II to learn to drive a car in Minneapolis, Redding also made a splashing success of his first aquatic venture since misfortune struck on a German battlefield. “It isn’t like learning to swim all over again, “Redding said at Lake Calhoun. “I guess I’ve always been at home in the water.” Strong arms and shoulders make swimming an easy trick for the lucky Irishman. Before a German cellar mine exploded near him Jan. 7, 1945. “The mine explosion perforated the former staff sergeant’s ear drums and when water seeps in violent earaches result. “The fact he finds it easy to smile he credits partly to his “morale building” wife, who says she married Jim “because I loved him”. Pity is taboo in the Redding household. “Twenty-four old Redding met Naomi, while he was convalescing at Battle Creek, Mich. She was employed in the hospital administrating office. Wedding bells tolled last Feb. 21. Local News: Art Dammann has purchased the Alfred Oelker’s farm. Martin Goranson has taken a position at the canning factory in Rochester. Peter Hertzig entered St. John’s hospital, Red Wing, Saturday for medical treatment. Nick Hertzig and Bill crouch called on Peter Hertzig Monday at St. John’s hospital, Red Wing. Sylvester Wild honored the Commercial Club at Goodhue with his magic program Monday evening. The party was given in honor of the Boy Scouts.
July 12, 1946 ON TO JAPAN: The trip to Japan to join her husband, Lt. Kenneth Blood, came closer to reality for Mrs. Blood (Bette Almeter) and daughter Paulette this week. Monday evening she received a call from Fort Snelling informing her she must report at Seattle July 27 and expects to sail about Aug. 1. Her preparations for the long journey are about completed, and the finishing touches will be made by the army, which will pack furniture and other express articles for her, as well as take care of all train and boat reservations. REUTER FUNERAL: Pallbearers at the funeral of the late Frank Reuter, held Tuesday June 25, were Henry Strauss of Bellechester, Ed Thiele of Red Wing, Peter Perrotte, Norbert Krinke, Albert Staiger and Tony Schuler all of Mazeppa. Local News: F.W. Kingsley has sold his Lincoln Zephyr to Will Judd. St. Peter and Paul church is installing a new furnace this week. Mrs. Julia Reiland of Minneapolis is visiting Mrs. Josephine Gombert. Mr. and Mrs. Lullus Darcy and daughter Francine visited her mother, Mrs. J.B. Majerus at Bellechester, Sunday. Francine remained to visit there. Miss Mary Almeter of St. Cloud visited her mother, Mrs. Margaret Almeter, and sister, Mrs. Helen Heaney over the weekend. Supt. L.H. Amdahl of Red Lake Falls came Tuesday to spend the remainder of the week here. He plans to move here with his family the first of August. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Jones, and Mrs. Murray Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Croxford of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown were supper guests of Mrs. David Jones Monday evening. The W.S.C.S. of the Methodist church held its regular meeting July 5 at the home of Mrs. Edwin Thiele in Red Wing. Mrs. Ralph Samuelson and Miss Gwen Gregoire reported on the Southern Minnesota Institute of the W.S.C.S. which they attended as delegates at Hamline University in St. Paul. AUCTION: MON. EVE., JULY 15: Residence known as former Phillips home. Henry Degener Estate