THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL, Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1955
Obituaries MRS. MARTIN GORANSON Mrs. Martin Goranson of Mazeppa passed away at the Lake City hospital at 11a.m., Sept. 22, following an illness of five years. She was 74 years of age. Mearl PeCoy, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar PeCoy, was born in 1881 at Woket, Ind. She was married June 21, 1904 to Martin Goranson at Fort Dodge, Iowa. They lived there for 13 years and in 1917 moved to Blue Earth County, where they resided until 1941, when they moved to Mazeppa. Surviving are her husband; five children, Oscar of Frontenac, Ernest of Madison, Wis., Letha of Shakopee, Emmett of Janesville and Burton Irving of Mazeppa; 24 grandchildren and two great grandchildren and a brother Ray PeCoy of Pomeroy, Iowa. Four daughters, Verna, Zelda, Joy and Zola preceded her in death.
LOCAL NEWS A-1c Harvey Tri left on Wednesday after spending a 10-day furlough here. He returned to Hempstead, N.Y. where he is presently stationed. Glen Goodman, son of Mrs. George Goodman is attending Rochester Junior college, and Lloyd Befort, is attending evening classes there. The Bear Valley Ladies Aid will serve lunch, Thursday, October 6th. Committee members are Mrs. Laverne Windhorst, Mrs. Wm. Schultz, Mrs. Willous Heitman, Mrs. Allwin Arndt, and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Vernard Jackson and daughter have moved from Zumbrota into the J.B. Gregoire house. The American Legion auxiliary entertained Mrs. Helen Heaney at a farewell party, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Heaney, who leaves Sunday to make her home at Beloit, Wis., was presented with a gift of money. The committee members were Mrs. Leona Reinholz and Mrs. Leo Liffrig.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 Klindworth Heads Chester Farm Bureau The Chester Farm Bureau unit held its annual meeting at the Maynard Ehlen home, Tuesday evening. Larry Lamberty, secretary of the Olmsted County Farm Bureau, was the principal speaker. The following officers were elected; Milfred Klindworth, chairman; Ed Corleus, vice-president; Mrs. Ed Corleus, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Art Dammann, home and community
chairman; Mrs. Donald Gruhlke, assistant home and community chairman; Mrs. Peter Perrotti, reporter. A potluck lunch was served with Mrs. Ehlen, Mrs. Louis Liffrig and Mrs. Florian Reding in charge. The next meeting will be held at the Damon Freiheit home. Weddings UDELL-WEBB Ellen Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith, was married Sept. 10 to Robert Udell, son of Mrs. Helen Udell of Beloit, Wis., in the parsonage Cargill Memorial Methodist church PENZ-MULHOLLAND Baskets of white gladioli, pine boughs and a white cross in back of a white altar formed the background for the marriage of Janet Ruth Mulholland and David Carlton Penz of Rochester at the church of the Open Door Sept. 16 at Anchorage, Alaska. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mulholland of Mazeppa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Penz of Rochester. A Rare Item Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Tri brought back a rare specimen in the newspaper world these days---a hand-set newspaper, from their recent vacation trip to northern Minnesota. They obtained a copy of the Pembina (N.D.) New Era while visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tri at Humboldt, Minn. Mr. Tri by the way, is now retired from many years of teaching and is busily engaged in raising bees. Roy C. DeFrance is the publisher, and it brings back memories to me of my father hand-setting type on The Journal. He could set an ad by hand as fast as we can on the linotype. We thought those days were about gone forever, but apparently there are a few hand-set papers left.