Mazeppa Area Historical Happenings Compiled by Helen Reiland and Mike Holtorf
The Mazeppa Journal, Published by L.A. Phillips
Feb. 6, 1942
Carnival Royal Party Chosen: Miss Betty Roland and Bernard Heaney were chosen Queen and King of the 1942 G.A.A. Carnival by popular vote of the high schools. The crowning of the Queen will take place at the close of the program Feb. 13. Attending the Queen and King will be Mildred Hofschulte, Cora Busse, Patty Cliff, Carol Sutton, Carl Busse and Haven Judd. Flower girls will be Diane Darcy, Darlene Gerken, Bonnie Bell Banick and Clarice Lemmerman. The crown bearer is George Meyer.
Registration For Army Feb. 14, 15 and 16: And all-woman board will register men for military service in Mazeppa. Mrs. C.W. Robinson is chief registrar and will be assisted by Mrs. John Gruhlke, Mrs. A.A. Hoffman, Mrs. C.P. Engelhart, Mrs. Leslie Ottman, and Mrs. Albert Betcher.
All men who have attained their 20th birthday on or before Dec. 31, 1941 and have not attained their 45th birthday on Feb. 16, 1942 will register.
S’MORE LOCALS: W.S. Mohler has rented the Joe Francis farm in East Mazeppa. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Linz of Chatfield have moved on the place to work it for Mr. Mohler.
CHUCK KING band at the Gahler Nite Club Saturday evening. Admission only 10 cents.
To buy sugar it will soon be necessary to have ration cards. Customers can buy only 12 ounces or three quarter of a pound per person per week.
Buy U.S. Defense Bonds
Mrs. Maude Redding reports that she served 1254 hot lunches to the pupils of the public schools last month.
The coming marriage of Miss Rosella Miller of Winona and Martin Prokasky of South Mazeppa was announced at St. Peter and Paul’s church Sunday.
There is some talk of tearing down the old bridge near the lumber yard, which was forbidden to vehicular traffic and is used as a foot bridge. It has a large amount of iron which would be valuable in these days when scrap is in demand. Just how safe the bridge is has not been determined in recent years. It affords convenience to pedestrians going home across the river.
Vincent Sand began his new duties in the Peoples State Bank Monday, having given up his position at the Mazeppa Hdw. Co.
Frank Darcy has received word that his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Phalen of Marshall are both critically ill.
One of the greatest dance crowds ever seen in Mazeppa was that on Monday evening at which Whoopee John played. Hundreds attended the dance.
Federal auto license stickers had to be on cars Monday if the car was in use. However, if not being used, as yet, the stamp need not go on until the car is driven.
George B. Hartman received formal notice Monday that he has been appointed manager of the local Botsford lumber yard. Mazeppa people will be glad that a local man received the job.
Feb. 13, 1942:
Dahle Leaves Creamery: Casper Dahle has resigned as buttermaker at the Mazeppa Creamery, to go to Rock Dell. Mr. Dahle has been here 10 years.
Marshal Appointed: The council last week appointed Hubert Schafer Marshal at a salary of $75.00 per month and he took up his duties Saturday. Mr. Schafer is highly competent for the job, and lawbreakers will find him competent to handle them.
Red Cross Unit To Be Discussed: All ladies are invited to meet at the school basement lunch room on Wednesday, Feb. 18 at 2:30 pm. to organize a Red Cross sewing and knitting unit, so assist the war effort.
S’MORE LOCALS: Valentine Dance at Gahler Nite Club Saturday, Feb. 14 Chuck King orchestra. Admission 15 cents.
Gaylord, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Betcher, who recently entered the army is now at Camp Callan, California.
Dan Redding of St. Paul, in town last week, reported that he has been summoned for military service beginning the 12th.
While returning from work at Cannon Falls Thursday evening accompanied by Dennis Rich and Percy Wobschall , Melvin Banick went off the road on Highway 60 near the road to Leo LaVan’s
Vincent Tri writes from Ft. Knox, Kentucky to say: There are thousands in this camp and we have tanks, jeeps, half-trucks, trucks, artillery and motorcycles. I got the Journal today and boy; it sure is swell to get the home news.
The fire department in which G.B. Hartman succeeded John Gruhlke as chief.
Rev. D.J. Lavery received a letter from Vernon Miller of Fort Rosecrans, California. “We are very busy every day with men on duty every hour of the day and night. One does not get very much sleep when on night duty.