Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas
Independents Lose To Rochester Quintet Mazeppa’s Independent basketball team took a severe drubbing, 50 to 29 at the hands of a smooth-working Rochester pick-up five last Saturday evening on the home floor. The visitors showed too much speed and deadly shooting for the local club to cope with and held a substantial lead throughout the game after the first quarter. Scoring honors went to Heaney and Stull of Mazeppa with 12 and eight points respectively and for Rochester, Brown, Hanson and L. Judd were high with 15, 14, and 12.
C.W. ROBINSON CAR HIT BY LOCAL TRAIN C.W. Robinson had a narrow escape from serious injury Saturday when he collided with the Milwaukee train near the Catholic Church. Mr. Robinson was driving south and had almost crossed the track when the train, in route from Zumbro Falls, struck the rear fender of the car, swung it completely around and against a tree in Hertzig’s yard. No injury was reported but extensive damage was done to the automobile.
Calendar Publicizes Local School Bus Lawrence Hart, local garage man, stopped in at The Journal office Monday with a calendar given out by the Chas. Olson & Son Co. of Minneapolis, showing for the month of January a winter scene in which J.S. Wild’s school bus is pictured. The photo was taken last winter at the Albert Manthei farm. The picture on the calendar is headed, “Familiar Winter School Scene in Minnesota.” It shows Mr. Wild in the driver’s seat with several students in the vehicle and Mr. Manthei’s house in the background framed on each side by trees. Mr. Hart stated that these calendars are distributed nationally, so Mazeppa definitely will be “on the map” this year.
IN THE SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. William VonBargen were thrilled to receive a call from their son, Floyd, stationed with the army in Kyushu, Japan, at 7 a.m. Sunday. They stated that the call came through clearly. Until recently, Pvt. VonBargen was stationed near a former Mazeppa boy, Maurice Schlasner, who recently was moved. Merlyn VonBargen, son of Mr. and Mrs. William VonBargen of Mazeppa, recently was promoted to sergeant. He is stationed at Portsmouth, N.H.
Local News The W.S.C.S. met Friday at the home of Mrs. N.M. Olson with Mrs. C.R. Brown assisting. Mrs. O.G. Nichols chose the 33rd. Psalm for the Scripture reading and Mrs. Cox read an article entitled, “The Old You in a New Year.” Happy Birthday was sung to Mrs. Anna Maas and Mrs. Ami McDonough. The finishing touches were discussed and a food sale was planned for February. A gift of money was presented to Mrs. Irving Goranson. Mrs. W.F. Tri gave the program, “The World at Our Door.” The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C.W. Robinson and Mrs. J.B. Gregoire assisting.
Obituaries MRS. A.E. JOHNSTON Local friends were grieved this week to hear of the death of Mrs. A.E. Johnston of St. Paul, formerly of Mazeppa, at 9 p.m. Sunday. Her death was caused by heart trouble. Mrs. Johnston, who was 78 years old, had been in failing health for several years. Survivors are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. George Krinke of Minneapolis and Mrs. Virginia Mason of Seattle, Wash; two grandchildren, Carol Sutton of the U.S. Navy and Marian Sutton of Minneapolis; one brother in Mexico; one brother in Canada, and two sisters and a brother in California. Mrs. Mason was present for the funeral. Friends of Rural Schools Map Action In County Approximately 300 F.R.S. in Wabasha County met at Millville Friday evening to map out action in presenting opposition to the redistricting law to the state legislature. C.P. Crawford, chairman of the Winona County Friends of Rural Schools, told the group that there was need for more permanent organization of the group so “we can be active any time in years to come when it becomes necessary to keep our fellow citizens informed.” As a result, temporary directors were appointed in each township and village. The smaller groups will meet, elect officers and establish the Friends of Rural Schools on a more permanent basis.
L.M. HART ATTENDS CHEVROLET MEETING L.M. Hart has just returned from Chicago where he attended a dealer meeting and preview of the pacemaking new 1949 Chevrolet passenger cars. The new cars will first be shown to the public at the dealer’s showrooms here Jan. 22. Plans are completed for making Chevrolet announcement day a gala affair for this area. “The new Chevrolet marks a high point in the development of modern styling and beauty,” Mr. Hart said. “I know it is going to be accepted enthusiastically by our customers, and will continue the Chevrolet tradition of leadership in the field.”