THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL , Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas
MRS. CATHERINE REUTER Mrs. Catherine Reuter passed away at her home in Bellechester Monday evening at 9:15. She had been in ill health for over three years. Born in Bellechester Oct. 13, 1884, she spent all her life on a farm one mile east of Bellechester. She was the daughter of Matt and Mary Strauss. June 18, 1918 she was married to John Reuter, who preceded her in death in August 1937. Four years ago she moved to Bellechester. She is survived by a son, Vincent and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Clarence Seipel, who reside in the Bellechester area, a brother Nick Strauss, of Spring Park and six grandchildren.
MRS. DICK SHELDON Mrs. Dick Sheldon, the former Valeria L. Spicer who in girlhood lived on a farm near Atkinson, died Feb. 3 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fern Bruse, Spokane, Washington. She was born in Bear Valley, in 1875, and at the age of four years came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Spicer, to Atkinson. For several years the family lived on a farm homesteaded by Mr. Spicer, three miles from town. At the age of 19 she married Ed Corriell, who was an adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Auger and who was known as Ed Auger until after the death of his foster parents. Four children were born to them, Vesta (Mrs. Matt Nordby) of San Francisco, Beatrice (Mrs. George Parks) of Clarkson, Wash., Edna who died many years ago, and Harold, who now lives in Oregon. At the age of 30 she was married to Dick Sheldon of Mazeppa. Six children were born to them, three of whom are dead. Those who survive are Carl of Spokane, Wash., Earl of Great Falls, Mont., and Mrs. Fern Bruse of Spokane. In addition to her husband and children, she is survived by 23 grandchildren, 22 great grand-children and the following brothers and sisters: Rev. Claude U. Spicer, Mrs. Pearl G. Kuyath, Lank S. Spicer, Mrs. Zella Donathan, Mrs. Evalena J. Norberg, William E. Spicer, and Mrs. Nannie B. Ballor.
REBURIAL OF VINCENT TRI TO TAKE PLACE SOON Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tri recently received a telegram from the War department stating that the body their son, Cpl. Vincent Tri, will arrive here soon for reburial. Cpl. Tri lost his life in the South Pacific area.
MAZEPPA COULD LOSE ITS HIGH SCHOOL School redistricting has been a lively subject the past week since the meeting held last Wednesday evening. Pros and cons have been discussed, with interesting results. One question in particular has been raised; Is there a possibility of losing the present high school? The answer seems to be definitely, “yes”, if no changes are made in the near future. Standards of education are steadily climbing, and this in turn increases costs. The size of the local district at the present is too small to meet, financially, move advancements in education which are instituted in the larger areas. Should the Mazeppa High school be lost, transportation of pupils to other schools would become a major problem. Time spent on buses then would be increase greatly and taxation of residents in this area would have to support outside schools. Friends of the Rural Schools sincerely do not want Mazeppa to lose its high school. This is not a remote possibility if some form of reorganization does not take place.
Local News Mr. and Mrs. Casper Weber announced the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Ann to Lester Hallett of Los Angeles on Feb. 25. The wedding will take place in Los Angeles. Stephen Clemens, Sr. is ill with pneumonia at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nehring, Mrs. Ted Siems and Ignatz Grossbach visited Mrs. Grossbach at the Lake City hospital, Sunday. A large group of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Casper Weber Tuesday afternoon to celebrate her birthday, which was Sunday. Guests from out of town were Mrs. Virgil Burfeind and son, Keith , Goodhue; Mrs. Walter Schumacher, Lake City; Mrs. Alfred Schumacher, Oak Center; Mrs. Emil Miller and son Jimmie, Mrs. Arnold Oelkers and son Arnold, Jr., and Mrs. Gust Oelkers, Zumbrota; and Miss Rose Dressen. NOTICE! I Am Starting a Private Course on Musical Instruments. For Particulars, Contact G. Gahler, Mazeppa, Minn.