THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL , Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas
Friday, January 3, 1947 Maasches Feted on Anniversary: The Birthday club entertained Mr. and Mrs. Otto Maasch on the occasion of their 51st Anniversary at a surprise 7 o’clock dinner at the home of the couple’s daughter, Mrs. Freda Betcher, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maasch were married Dec. 30, 51 years ago at the Posen church in Yellow Medicine County. They traveled to the church from home, a distance of about four miles, in a lumber wagon. Local News Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Poquette and family were Mrs. Edgar Smith and family of Eau Claire, Wis. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Donald Poquette. Mrs. George Krinke of Minneapolis suffered a severely sprained ankle when a stool on which she was standing to put the finishing touches to a Christmas tree, collapsed. Winter blew in earnest during the holidays. Starting with a sleet storm last Friday, the mercury started a steady drop, and reached a record of 28 below Monday night. The absence of any wind, however, made the cold snap a little easier to take. Monday afternoon Mmes. P.J. Majerus, Ralph Samuelson, Henry Oelkers, William Gruhlke and Martin Majerus were hostesses at a party at the home of Mrs. P.J. Majerus in honor of their birthdays, all of which occurred sometime in December. Mrs. Jane Caswell and George Wright of Zumbrota were out of town guests. WILLIAM CROUCH GARAGE:
Brake Drum Trueing
General Overhauling
LUVERN A. PRIGGE Any kind of TEAM WORK- Call Botsford Lumber Co. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1947 WEEK UNLUCKY FOR MANY MAZEPPEANS The jinx was working on many local residents this week, as falls and bruises were numerous. Mrs. Frank Tri, Sr., fell in the bedroom of her home last week Wednesday, receiving a bad cut on her head. It was just learned this week that Merlin Banick, grandson of Mrs. Fred Banick, suffered a broken collar bone in a fall several weeks ago. A fall from a chair resulted in a broken hip for Mrs. John Willers who has been in ill health for several months. John, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roland, fell from the last step when going down the stairs Thursday at his home, and broke his arm. CHALLENGE SEEN IN 47 TRAFFIC RECORD There were 568 killed in motor vehicle traffic accidents in Minnesota in 1947(this is what was printed!), more than in any other year since 1941. Local News: Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt Arendt brought their infant son home Saturday from St. John’s hospital, Red Wing where he has been ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Almeter were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Searles of Minnesota City. Later in the day they visited daughter, Pat and son, Bud at Winona. Donna Redding and Michaeline Hoffman, who had spent the week-end with Pat, returned home with them. Percy Wobschall has been hired as janitor at the local schools. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meek of Pine Island spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clemens and Verona. Ernest R. Hoefs attended the Implement convention held at the Nicollet hotel in Minneapolis, Thursday. Nick Feipel, Albert Oelkers and Felix Marx went to Prairie du Chien, Wis., Sunday, where they will receive treatment at a sanatorium. Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Judd and daughter, Jenny of Rochester were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kurth. The Joe Delva home in Bellechester burned to the ground Friday evening. Goodhue and Zumbrota fire departments were called. ARMY NAVY SURPLUS STORE- MAZEPPA- SPEED GORANSON-PROP. NOW GENERAL ELECTRIC HOME FREEZERS- Gregwire Electric- Phone 1 – Mazeppa, Minn. Just Arrived- Ladies Better Dresses, Sizes 12 to 48, No Two Alike, Latest Styles and Materials @$7.95-----Helgerson’s Store Mazeppa School Carnival-Friday, January 16, Music by Johnny Roberts, Winona