Impl’t Days Slated Here Next week in Mazeppa is earmarked for the farmers, and their families, with two entertainment packed shows scheduled. The first one will be presented at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15, at the high school auditorium, sponsored by Mazeppa Hardware & Implement Co., International Harvester Dealers. Wednesday, Feb. 16, Minneapolis Moline Day will be sponsored by M.J. Hart & Son at 1:30 p.m. in the auditorium. The free family party of Mazeppa Hardware & Implement Co. will have an all new variety show featuring top talent. Among the acts are The Great Roy and Madame Helene, a baffling act of mind reading and magic; Van and Arrvela , comedy, music and dancing; John Shirley, America’s top puppeteer, and Glen and Margaret, instrumental and vocal team, assisted by their dog “Brownie.” Educational and travel films will also be shown, as well as an Abbott and Costello comedy. Films will top the program on Minneapolis-Moline Day. One of the films, entitled “This Heritage of Ours,” features the great episodes in the growth of America. The second film “Reasons for the Seasons,” is a story of the seasons, why they occur and how they affect the lives of all living things. The day will be rounded out with other entertainment, and coffee and doughnuts will be served beginning at 11:30 a.m. at the display room of Hart’s Garage.
It’s a Small World We were talking to Kerwin Engelhart, a member of the outstanding Hamline basketball team, Sunday. He said that when the team was in California over the holidays, he received a telephone call asking if he were the Kerwin Engelhart who used to be in Mazeppa. Answering in the affirmative, he was told, “This is Max Whipple. I’m from Mazeppa too.” He apparently heard his name during a broadcast of one of the games.
NOTICE There will be a talk on the reorganization of schools sponsored by Friends of Rural Schools and small schools at the American Legion hall in Mazeppa Wednesday evening, Feb. 16. Rev. Scharlemann will be one of the speakers. Everyone is welcome, so come and hear what has to be done.
MANY CARS, TRUCKS, SOON HAVE FLASHING TURN SIGNAL Observance of the law requiring drivers to signal before making right or left turns is expected to improve as mechanical turn signals come into more general use, according to a Minnesota Highway bulletin. Two provisions now in the state traffic will soon require their use on an increasing number of motor vehicles. A section of the 1947 law requires that all new motor vehicles sold in the state after July, 1949, must be equipped with approved mechanical turn signals.
Local News Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Schmitt and daughters moved this Thursday to the L. Bilke farm in Rochester where Mr. Schmitt has been employed for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Sand and family are moving into the Schmitt home here. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Almeter were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Engelhart of Red Wing, Kerwin Engelhart of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Starz of Zumbro Falls, and Miss Pat Almeter, Frank Almeter, Jr., and John Hendrickson of Winona. The three latter also spent the week-end there. Mrs. Carl Sommerfield entertained at eight tables of Five Hundred Friday evening in honor of her husband’s birthday. Head prize went to Mrs. Henry Sommerfield and Ray Pahl and low prize to Mrs. Emil Kuehn and Mr. Klennert. A delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Halling visited her aunt, Emma Callahan at Rochester Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Fagerhaug and Darlene, Gene Sibley and David were Rochester visitors, Saturday. Dode Sibley returned with them to visit relatives. Mrs. Henry Sommerfield, Donald and Eva were Rochester visitors, Saturday. The meeting at the Red Bridge school was attended by a good crowd that gathered to hear Rev. Scharlemann and Mr. Schleicher give a talk on what will happen if the reorganization of schools now planned goes through. It was very interesting and the next meeting will be in Mazeppa Wednesday evening, Feb. 16, when everyone is welcome.
Hearts and Flowers It’s always fun to throw bouquets around, so here goes: To Gerhardt Gahler, for his fine work with the school band-----it’s a real addition to local events…………… To coach Dick Roth for his work with both “A” and “B” basketball squads……… And to the Commercial Club for allowing us to enjoy the Christmas decorations for such an extended period.