THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL, Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas
Paper Smells?
Sniff This Sale To you who have said, “Your newspapers smells,” we can only add a resounding “Amen!” Yes it does smell. And nice, too, don’t you think? The makers of Cashmere Bouquet bar soap supplied us with the perfume which we mixed with the ink in printing Oelkers ad on page 4. The reason for all the fuss? Oelkers, is giving away beautiful three-orchid corsages FREE this week-end with the purchase of Cashmere Bouguet soap.
Legal Technicality Slows Consolidation
Mazeppa school consolidation receives a temporary setback, Tuesday that a legal technicality concerning the approved plat had been found and challenged. The point in question stems from the farm of Lenus Miller which was on the plat at the time it was originally sent to the state department of education for approval. During the long delay gaining approval, this farm was set out of Dist. 73 through action of the county commissioners last summer. At the time the plat was approved this farm was apparently overlooked by all concerned.
Eldred Kuehn Awarded District Butter Trophy Eldred Kuehn, local creamery manager and operator received honors of his district at the creamery Managers and Operators convention last week in Minneapolis,, and returned home with a beautiful trophy commemorating the honor. Mr. Kuehn’s entry of butter in his district received a score of 99.33 for the top award. Congratulations are extended to him on the achievement, and the community takes pride in the top quality products manufactured under his leadership.
Agnes Tri Killed In Auto Accident A tragic accident Sunday morning killed a 66-year-old Mazeppa area woman and injured four others in a two-car collision four miles north and east of here. Killed was Miss Agnes Tri, a passenger in the car driven by her sister, Mrs. Louie Liffrig of Mazeppa. Miss Tri, who lived most of her life in this immediate area, was thrown through the rear-window of the car when it was struck by a car driven by Phillip Arendt, Mazeppa farmer. E.B. Wise, Wabasha county coroner, said Miss Tri died shortly after of a fractured skull. No inquest was held. Mrs. Liffrig sustained cuts and a bruise, Janice, her 11-year-old daughter, received a broken collarbone and was operated on Monday morning at St. John’s hospital, Red Wing. Another daughter, Irene, suffered a sprained wrist and received cuts about the mouth, and was bruised. Arendt received sever fractured ribs. Fortunately, both girls were riding in the front seat. The accident occurred about 9:20 a.m. at the intersection of County Aid Road and township road. The intersection is partially obscured by a grove of trees. Miss Tri was born Dec. 27, 1888, in Chester Township, Wabasha County. She resided with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tri, most of her life. Following their death, she lived with Liffrigs and a brother, John at St. Paul. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Liffrig and Mrs. Leo Reding of Mazeppa; four brothers, George of Zumbrota, John of st. Paul, Fred of Kallspell, Mont. and Andrew (Bootz) Tri of Williston, N.D.