THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL, Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas
SCOTTIES PLACE PURCHASED BY MR. AND MRS RICHARDSON Scotty’s Place, operated by Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Prigge for the past 14 years was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Richardson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Prigge took over their place of business, March 10, 1941. Previous to that, Mr. Prigge had been employed in the same location by the late Thomas Halloway. At the present their plans for the future are indefinite. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, the new owners, are well-known in this community, having farmed, and operated the restaurant, the R & R Café until just recently.
BELLECHESTER TO START PLAY-OFF SUNDAY vs. Z FALLS The Wabasha County Baseball League ended its regular season schedule last Sunday, with Kellogg taking undisputed first place by virtue of a forfeit. The standings in the league were: Kellogg 8 ½--3; Bellechester8—4; Millville 7—5; Zumbro Falls 6 ½--5 ½ ; Hammond 5-7; West Florence 4-8; and Wabasha 3-9( The first figure denotes wins.) The play-off for the right to enter the 19A, Class B regional play-off starts Sunday, August 14th with Millville the No. 3 team traveling to Kellogg, and Zumbro Falls the No. 4 team traveling to Bellechester. This is a “sudden death” play-off. The winners of these games will have a sudden death play-off to determine the entry into regional play. Game time at Bellechester has been set for 2 p.m.
WARREN-GRABAU Miss Mary Grabau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grabau of Spring Valley, and Francis Warren of Rochester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren of Mazeppa, were united in marriage at Lourdes chapel in Rochester at 11:30 a.m., August 2. The Rev. W.J. Ryan performed the double ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Warren are now at home in Rochester, following a wedding trip to northern Minnesota.
JANICE KAE MEERKINS Janice Kae, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meerkins, passed away at Zumbrota Community hospital July 31, at the age of four days. Surviving are her parents and twin sister, Joleen Rae. Funeral services were held Aug. 1 at Lincoln Lutheran church, with Rev. Scharlemann officiating. Interment was in Lincoln cemetery. The Meerkins family is offered the deepest sympathy in its loss.
Area 4-H’ers Awarded Many Prizes at Fair The Wabasha County Free Fair was a gig success, especially for the 4-H boys and girls who exhibited their projects. Busy 54’s Win Many Awards: Grand champion-Delvin Tupper-forestry poster; Reserve champion- Nancy Radke- conservation scrapbook; Blue Ribbons- JC Pfeiffer—corn, game bird feeder; Ruth Reiland—white bread; Red ribbons; Nancy Radke-apron and pot holders and gardening; Jane Reiland- baking powder biscuits and garden; Ruth Reiland-skirt and blouse, dress, style revue, flowers, safety, drop cookies, dark bread, pie crust and flowers; White Ribbons—Delores Sommerfield –baking powder biscuits and drop cookies; Jane Reiland—apron, and pot holders, drop cookies and cake; Janet Reiland—baking powder biscuits, drop cookies and cake; Ruth Reiland—baking powder biscuits and cake; Nancy Radke—drop cookies and cake; Delvin Tupper—game bird feeder; Patsy Tupper—dark bread, pie crust, baking powder biscuits and drop cookies. KAY KUEHN WINNER OF BUTTER CAKE CONTEST Kay Kuehn was the winner of the Mazeppa Livewires 4-H club butter cake baking contest, sponsored by the Farm Bureau. She entered a cake in the Wabasha county fair contest. Bernetta Seipel Wins Grand Championship A very happy girl last Friday was Bernetta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Seipel when she learned the judges had placed the grand champion purple ribbon on a loaf of bread she had made and exhibited in Zumbrota last week. She won over 43 entries from 30 clubs throughout the county. Other Bellechester winners were: Blue ribbon winners---Kathleen Strauss- canning; Melanie Majerus—apron; Terry Zimmerman—sheep; Ruth Majerus—gingerbread and apron; Ann Marie Seipel—cookies; Lois Bystrom—duster Red ribbon winners—Kathleen Strauss—dress; Bernetta Seipel, Patsy Arendt—skirt; Carol Majerus—cookies; Melanie Majerus-blouse; An Marie Seipel—skirt; Billy Bystrom—chickens; Fred Majerus—gardening; Jimmy, Bobby, and Nancy Arendt—gardening; Maureen Mahoney—buns. White ribbon winners--- Mary Kay Reuter—cookies; Ann Marie Seipel—gingerbread. Their booth won reserve champion and $15 for the club. The theme was “Junior Leaders Carry the Ball.” Melroy Holst of Goodhue is their leader.
Announcement: We have purchased Scotty’s Place and have immediate possession. Your patronage will be greatly appreciated. FREE BEER FRIDAY EVENING ----Jim & Willie