On the Side: The local post office had such a demand for defense bonds and stamps that it was out of several denominations last week.
They used to say that letter writing was a lost art. This is no longer true. Local boys in the army, navy and air corps are proving to be frequent and excellent letter writers and are surprising their families with their fine epistles.
Local News: Arnold Willers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willers of Bear Valley and Miss Marjorie Plote were married Jan. 7 at Frontenac. The couple will reside on the Willer’s farm.
It is understood that one Mazeppan has applied for work at Pearl Harbor, Honolulu. Skilled workers of all kinds are being asked for.
The creamery took in 16,000 lbs. of milk Thursday. Cream receipts of course are down somewhat as farmers sell more milk.
After J.S. Wild gave his exhibition at the Commercial Club in Goodhue last week a man told him they had paid a professional $50 for a show not half as good. Mr. Wild is now preparing to give chalk talks in addition to his sleight of hand program and this should make his program even more varied and entertaining.
Jan. 30, 1942:
Air Raid Wardens Selected: Mazeppa’s 24 air raid wardens are sworn in and finger printed. To J.S.Wild goes the credit of recruiting these men, all of whom are well fitted for their duties. They are Norbert Sand, John Gruhlke, Geo. Hartman, Leonhardt Gahler, John Webster, W. Thomforde, W.M. Clemens, Irving Goranson, Nick Feipel, Joe McCabe, Alfred Krinke, Ore Oelkers, J.S. Wild, John Stull, A.A. Hoffman, W.F. Smith, Frank Almeter, Lewis Almeter, Vincent Sand, C. Dahle, John Siems, Ven Maas, Ernie Heitman and L.M. Hart. Mr. Wild is Chief Warden.
The duties are as follows: Getting people off the streets in case of an alarm; seeing that the blackout is complete if one is needed; seeing that every householder has sand and water ready for fire fighting in his home; giving first aid.
Honor Roll:
Grades I & II: Bonnie Belle Bannick, Dolores Johnson, Jeanette Judd, Betty Jean Krinke, Dennis Schumacher, Diane Darcy, Harold Schumacher, Bonnie Colleen Siems
Grades III & IV: Francine Darcy, Richard Heitman, Muriel Johnson, Mary Lou Reiland, Greg Darcy, Rose Liffrig, Josephine Palzer
Grades V & VI: Joan Bright, Mary Lou Manthei, Eloda Hofschulte, Michaeline Hoffman, Catherine Clemens
Grades VII: Patty Almeter, Mary Ann Liffrig, Donna Mae Manthei, Grace Reinholz, Florence Rich
Grade IX: Janet Hofschulte, Beulah Manthei, Jean Schumacher, Dorothy Sand, Walter Tri, Merlyn VonBargen
Grade XI: Marian Cliff, Larry Colling, Gwendolyn Gregoire, Haven Judd, laureen Livingston, Joseph Marx, Dean Robinson
Grade XII: Carl Busse, Patty Cliff, Lola Koenig, Norman Kuehl, Arline Lubahn, Pauline Mulholland, Rosalia Palzer, Lorraine Perrotte.
Couple Married Fifty Years: Mr. & Mrs. Frank X. Tri Sr. observed their 50th Anniversary on Jan. 27th, having being united in marriage in Bellechester in 1892. Nine children were born to them, seven of them living. They are Agnes, George, John, Fred, Andrew, Anna (Mrs. Leo Reding), and Mary (Mrs. Louis Liffrig).
At the card party given by Mr. and Mrs. Engelbert Arendt last week Vincent Tri was guest of honor, as he was to leave for the army. He was presented with gifts and a purse of money. Vincent left with a Goodhue County contingent on Saturday.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tilden Larson was baptized at the Lutheran church Sunday. She was named Diane Lois and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Goetsch were sponsors.
Sugar will soon be on a ration of a pound a week per person.
Are any Mazeppa soldier boys now in Ireland? Lloyd Whipple and Gerald Betcher were in the east when last heard from and might be among those sent abroad, as they were at a southern camp which sent many men. It is believed that Zumbrota former militiamen may be among those on the new AEF.
The Band Boosters settled the uniform problem at a meeting Monday night. Caps and coats of good woolen material will be bought. The club and band have together about $407 and need only a small additional sum to make the purchase. It will improve the appearance of the band greatly as the uniform is of maroon and gold.