THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL , Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas
NOVEMBER 15, 1946
Along the Side Daydreaming: It’s been a truly beautiful fall (not even an early November blizzard to date---and the lawns look better than they did in June) ----planting Dutch tulip bulbs this fall reminded me the Hollanders lived on nothing else during the last months of the occupation. Hope Christmas lights won’t be so hard to obtain this year….bad news again---after waiting almost a year, have heard that the new letters for our linotype won’t arrive until 1947. So we beg your indulgence for the “fuzzy” appearance of the type. One consolation for our readers, tho---it’s harder on us than it is you….the new Legion auxiliary should be a big success---all are interested, and the community needs such organizations. Catching You Up If you haven’t been here for several months, you’ll be impressed with the appearance of Oelker’s Froz-n Foods. The store has been completely modernized inside and out and peps up the appearance of Main Street. The brilliant orange paint of the Botsford Lumber Co. can be seen from almost anywhere in town. Refreshed with white paint recently was Rothfork’s Produce, formerly owned by the late Henry Degener. William Prill is the new proprietor of Mazeppa Feed and Produce, formerly owned by A. Purdy, and later Morris Pederson. The town is livelier now, with the return of so many young men from the service. The newly organized post is booming and the auxiliary is expected to be likewise! NOVEMBER 22, 1946 Can you Top This? We were finally forced to discard our tired old set of matrices after a terrific struggle with it for the past few months. Hence the large type in this issue. TRI-HART: Nuptial vows between Miss Irene Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hart of Lake City, and Oswald Tri, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tri of Pine Island, were solemnized at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, at the Lake City Catholic Church with Father Glenn officiating at the double ring ceremony. Mazeppa Hardware & Implement Co. has begun to erect the steel framework for the Quonset hut it is erecting in back of the store. Miss Lulubell Livingston and Harry Klevan were honored at a pre-nuptial shower Monday evening, held at the United Lutheran church parlors at Zumbrota. ISSUES MISSING-SORRY DECEMBER 20, 1946 MRS. BLOOD WRITES OF JAPANESE TRIP: The following letter describing a trip, about which most of us can only dream, was written Nov. 28 by Mrs. Kenneth Blood to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Almeter. Mrs. Blood and daughter Paulette are residing in Japan with Lt. Blood, who is stationed there with the army air forces. DEPOT AGENT NAMED: Miss Marlys Case of Farmington has been named with permanent agent for the local depot. Mazeppa will be glad to welcome Miss Case who substituted here last winter during H.L. Weihn’s absence. The vacancy here was created by the death of Mr. Weihn in November. GRAVELING NEARS END: By working night and day, crews applying crushed rock to Highway 60 between Mazeppa and Zumbro Falls will complete their work this week. Now---------how about Highway 60 west of town? FOR SALE-----Popcorn----guaranteed to pop. Wilbur Bright, Mazeppa, Minn. Man seen taking my gun. Return same before prosecuted. Harry Bublitz, Pine Island, Minn. DECEMBER 27, 1946 Independents Win, Lose During Week A win and a loss marked the first week of play by the Mazeppa Independent basketball team. In a rough and tumble game last Thursday evening the Lake City Golden Loafers defeated the locals 61-32. Monday evening the Mazeppans turned the tables by defeating the Bellechester Independents by the top heavy score of 77-19. Members of the local team are W.F. Tri, Tom Heaney, Haven Judd, Harold Betcher, Vincent Clemens, Herb Vik, Clarence Lemmermann, Irving Goranson and Hugh Hoffman. GORANSON OPENS ARMY SURPLUS STORE: A new business was started in Mazeppa this week, as Irving Goranson announced the opening of his Army Surplus store. The store, located next to Robinson’s Barber shop, in the former location of Radio Electric Service, will feature army clothing and shoes. MAX PROKASKY HURT: Max Prokasky of near Oronoco returned home Monday from St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester, where he had been confined since catching his hand in a corn shredder. He was alone at the time of the accident, and it was an hour before his cries of help were heard by Ted Siems, neighboring farmer. The hand was badly torn but no fingers were lost. ADDITIONAL LOCALS: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith and Mrs. Henry Pesch were Sunday dinner guests at the J.W. Hiebel home at Zumbrota. Miss Eleanor Sand of Pine Island spent Christmas week at the Robert Stoddard home. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tri have purchased a new Ford five-passenger coupe from Valley Motor & Implement Co. Matt Marx returned last Tuesday from St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester, where he underwent a leg amputation. Mrs. Irving Goranson and infant daughter, Shirley Jean arrived home Monday from the Lake City hospital Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Samuelson are the owners of a new Lincoln, purchased last week. Misses Eloda and Janet Hofschulte are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Hofschulte. BRIGHT NEW YEAR TO YOU- 1947- STANDARD OIL SERVICE STATION-JOHN GRUHLKE-PROP.