MESSENGER-May- 2020 THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL , Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas Friday, August 26, 1949 Weddings HOEFT-RUBIN Nuptial vows were exchanged at 2:30 p.m. Aug. 14, at Rochester Gospel Tabernacle by Miss Julia Ann Rubin and Winifred Hoeft. The Rev. W.F. Harding officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gottfred Rubin of Rochester and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Griebel. Obituaries MRS. HENRY NELSON Mrs. Henry Nelson of Santa Ana, Calif., died Tuesday, Aug. 6 of a heart ailment. Funeral services were held there Thursday, Aug. 18. Surviving are her husband, a brother George Goodman of Mazeppa, and three sisters, Mrs. Otto Koenig (Sylvia) of Mazeppa, Mrs. Berton Owen (Grayce) of Oronoco, and Mrs. E.R. Robinson (Ruth) of Minneapolis. Bessie B. Goodman was born Jan. 29, 1894 near Mazeppa, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Goodman. She attended Mazeppa schools and later was a rural school teacher. REBURIAL SERVICES HELD FOR PVT. DONALD F. RAASCH Reburial service for Pvt. Donald F. Raasch, 24 of St. Paul Park, killed in action in Germany, April, 4, 1945, was held August 16, 1:30 p.m. at Fort Snelling National cemetery. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raasch, one sister, Darlene, three sons, James, Howard, and Donald Jr., his wife Anne of Long Beach, Calif., two brothers, Delbert, St. Paul Park, and Dallas of South St. Paul. SOUTH TROY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. George Hermann’s little son, Donald George of South Troy, has the distinction of having eight living grandparents. They are: Willis Subra of Austin, great grandfather; Mrs. Mary Yarwood of Austin and Mrs. Mathilda Hermann of Zumbro Falls and Mrs. Josephine Pencille of South Troy, great-grandmothers; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Subra of Chatfield and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hermann of South Troy, grandparents. Letters to the Editor The boss was pleased to receive a letter this week from Ed Redding, who is stationed with the air-sea rescue service of the coast guard in New York. He stated he had been reading the home paper, and added. “What really surprised me was to find out that it really was Rita McColgen that my wife and I saw on television last June 18, I said then that I could swear that’s who it was but didn’t really and truly believe it until I saw it in black and white in The Journal. Local News Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graves and sons were guests Sunday of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Graves of Elba. Gerald Kruger has enlisted in the Army Air Corps and will leave Monday for San Antonio, Texas.
John Gruhlke Jr., returned home Tuesday from the Lake City hospital where he had been ill with virus pneumonia since last week Wednesday.
Marriage bans were announced Sunday at S.S. Peter and Paul Catholic church for Miss Geenvieve Arendt and Glen Siems. Their marriage is an event of September 7.
Friday, September 9, 1949 Duane Thompson is rooming at the house of Mrs. Louise Windhorst. W.F. Tri, Walter Reiland, Milton Winjum and Richard Weber attended the Minneapolis-St. Paul baseball game at St. Paul, Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Reinholz, Mrs. Leona Reinholz and Grace, Miss Georgia Megears, Miss Bernice Kaste, Miss Lorna OutcalT, Murl Megears, Manley Busse and Jay Goodman were State Fair visitors Sunday. Faculty members of the local schools arrived over the week-end and are residing at the following homes: Miss Magda Lundgren of Excelsior at the Mrs. Anna Darcy home, Miss A. Laura Dorweiller of St. Peter at the Archie Stull home, Dale Clark of Madison, Minn., at the Mrs. Fred Mack home, Miss Marilyn Hughes of Pittsfield, Mass., and Miss Avis Manzow of Plainview at the S.H. Prigge home and Paul Stillwell of Lake City at the Mrs. Jane Almeter home.
The Poplar Grove congregation gave a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raasch and family Sunday afternoon at the church basement. The Raasches will be moving soon to a farm near Red Wing.
Learn To Fly with choice of Aeronca or Piper Cub-- -----Stick or Wheel---- EXPERT INSTRUCTORS -----REASONABLE RATES HOLTORF AIRPORT Historical Happenings are taken directly from the archives of the original papers as printed. Any discrepancies need to be taken up with the Editor and Publisher of the said papers, who are deceased.