THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL, Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas
Friday, May 7. 1954
Obituaries H.G. Scharfenberg H.G. Scharfenberg, well-known resident of Fort Dodge, Iowa, died last Thursday evening, following a heart attack at his home. He was 65 years old. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock with burial in Oakland cemetery. Masonic rites were conducted by Ashlar lodge. Survived by his wife and one daughter, four sisters, Mrs. Elsa Maas and Mrs. Emil Schroder of Bettendorf, Miss Anna Scharfenberg of Minneapolis, Mrs. John Meyers of Houston, Texas, and two brothers, Carl Scharfenberg of Deer River, Minn., and Frank Scharfenberg, of Bettendorf also survive.
Local News Manley Busse, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Reinholz, Mrs. S.H. Prigge and Mrs. Leona Reinholz attended the funeral of their uncle, Henry Scharfenburg at Fort Dodge, Iowa, on Monday.
JUSTICE COURT NOTES Appearing before Justice of the Peace, Richard Hammes, the past week were Arnold Borgschatz, and Geroge Citrowski on a disorderly charge, and Fred Nettekoven, Plainview, illegal parking. The disorderly conduct charge brought fines of $10 and costs each, and the legal parking, $5.00 and costs.
MRS. CATHERINE BARTHOLOME MARKS 101ST BIRTHDAY AT ST. CLOUD Mrs. Catherine Bartholome, mother of the Most Rev. Peter W. Bartholome, bishop of the St. Cloud Catholic diocese, observed her 101st birthday Monday. She was the guest of honor at a party in the bishop’s residence, where she lives. Present were priests of the diocese, relatives and close friends.
Friday, May 14, 1954 Obituaries NICHOLAS J. LIFFRIG Nicholas J. Liffrig, 79 years of age, died at 5:45 p.m. Monday at Zumbrota Community hospital. He had been ill for 12 days following a stroke. He was born June 16, 1874, in Heinstart, Belgium. He was married to Barbara Schafer Feb. 22, 1909 at Bellechester. He farmed for 30 years in North Dakota, and he and his family moved to Mazeppa in 1937. Surviving are his wife and the following children: Walter, Clifford, Leo, Wilfred, and Cpl Daniel, all of Mazeppa, Sylvester and Verna (Mrs. Paul Lee) of Plaza, N.D., Gilbert of Makoti, N.D. and Raymond of Lake City. One son, Robert, died in infancy. Also surviving are nine grandchildren.Funeral services were held at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic church, with the Rev. W.J. Ryan officiating. Interment was in Mazeppa Catholic cemetery. Robinson’s Funeral Parlors was in charge of arrangements.
Local News Cpl. Daniel Liffrig arrived here by plane Thursday evening from Trieste, Italy, where he has been stationed for 16 months. He was called here by the critical illness of his father, Nicholas Liffrig. Cpl. Liffrig will report to Fort Sheridan, Ill., June 9.
District 66 Votes for Consolidation Consolidation of the local school made further progress this week with District 66 indicating their favor on a straw vote held last week-end. They voted 21 for and 16 no. This is one of the larger districts in the area. To date, the following districts have indicated their preference for consolidation; 51, 13, 14, 76, and 66. Voting against was 54. The Mazeppa Commercial club, at its regular meeting Monday evening, went on record in favor of consolidation. Painting Bee Patrons of Richardson’s Café rubbed their eyes Tuesday morning. The entire place had been rejuvenated with a most attractive color scheme. Seems that after Commercial club Monday evening, 14 painters and numerous other helpers had a bee, and by midnight the café was entirely repainted. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Richardson and her helpers, and a good time was had by all.