Last week H.H. Judd purchased of O.B. Krinke one-half interest in the threshing outfit the latter has been running of late years. Mr. Judd has taken charge of the machine while O.B. has retired from the business. Paul Krinke owns the other half of the outfit.
During the past week both of our elevators have placed in car-loading machines that will completely load a car without any shoveling. These machines will save Messis Munger and Maas a great amount of hard labor.
According to the Independent, Zumbro Falls expects to have another new elevator, making three in all.
An accident, the like of which was common in frontier days, but which seems terrible now, occurred last Thursday, Mrs. Ellsworth Shay being the unfortunate victim. Last Friday morning, after finishing her morning work, she went out to the harvest field where her husband was at work and began to shock gram but had only been so engaged a few minutes, when on reaching around a bundle she was bitten on the hand by a rattlesnake which was concealed under the bundle. She saw the reptile and instantly realized what had happened and applying the wound to her lips sucked out the poison as far as possible. She was brought to town and treated by Dr. Hill and though still in a precarious condition a favorable outcome in hoped for. – Pine Island Record.
An eight pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Strickland of Zumbro Falls last Wednesday morning.
The Mazeppa base ball boys took another game away from the Zumbrota nine last Sunday afternoon. The game was played on the Mazeppa diamond and was devoid of features other than numerous errors. Neither of Mazeppa’s usual battery played with them. Moulton caught for Zumbrota. The final score was 9 to 12.
Born—Last Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Darcy a baby girl.
J.N. Reiland has his new residence will under way. The plasterers are now at work upon the same.
The firm of Drs. Deters and McGuigan has dissolved partnership. Dr. PeDeters will retain the old office while Dr. McGuigan has fitted up office over the bank.
A crew of workmen have been at work for the past several days laying a new platform about our depot. This platform is to be of brick surrounded by a curbing of white stone. The depot is also to be re-shingled and otherwise repaired, and thus though not new it will be in much, better condition than it has been.
Wm. F. Bright expects to start west soon with a threshing outfit and crew and cast his lot for this season at least with the western thresher men.
The plate glass was placed in Phillips & Co’s. new store front Monday. This front which is now completer with the exception of painting makes the building vie with any in Mazeppa in appearance and adds much to the general effect of Main street.
The large barn of Anton Guenther residing about five miles northeast of this village was with its contents completely destroyed by fire Thursday morning. It was struck by lightning 4:30 am. The barn contained hay, chickens, one calf, 50 bushels of oats and $300 worth of lumber which was to be used on the new house of Mr. Guenther. The loss is estimated at $2500, with about $1200 worth of insurance.
Zumbrota Independent
Frank Schafer second oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Schafer was married to Miss May Gillispie daughter of Mrs. Julia Gillispie, at St. Mary’s church, Belle Chester in the presence of a large circle of friends.
I am frequently asked if it is true that our Public Schools are not going to commence until October.
I wish to say in answer to the public that it is the present purpose of the school board to have school begin on the first Monday in September, which this year comes on the 7th day. This plan will be carried out unless there is a new batch of Scarlet Fever cases in which case other arrangements may be made.
Dealers in Confectionery, Soft Drinks, Cigars, and Tobacco
Lunches Served At All Hours
The Only Place in Town Where You Can Get A Lunch Before Returning Home
We solicit your patronage.
***** (location unknown)
J.B. Glover has purchase a lot of L.A. Doty on the east side of the American Malting Co’s elevator, on which he will build a 4000 bushel flat house for Geo. A. Hellman of Chicago. E.B. Doty will do the work.- Zumbro Falls Independent.
Mrs. Thos. Mongan died this morning at 1”05 at her home of consumption after a long lingering illness. Deceased, whose maiden name was Miss Flora Kline, was born in Spring Gove, Wis., August 2nd, 1862 and was at the time of her death 41 years of age. She was married to Mr. Hawkins, of Broad Head, Wis. during the month of September, 1880 from which union resulted three children. Mr. Hawkins was accidently shot while hunting in the fall of 1888. She was married to Mr. Thomas Mongan at Portage City Wis., on March 18th, 1899, of which union resulted one child.
Dr. Ingram of Zumbro Falls and Miss Carrie Malchert of Lake City were united in the bonds of holy matrimony at Bear Valley last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomforde and family arrived in Mazeppa last Saturday direct from Hanover, Germany. Mrs. Tomforde is a sister P. Ahrens and the family will make their home for a time with him. Mr. Tomforde is a carpenter and will continue at his trade here.
A.L. McCray who has been running the creamery at Bright’s for several years has decided to move his business and buildings into the village. Being located as he has been Mr. McCray has been to considerable extra expense and inconvenience in marketing his butter and otherwise which he thinks he can do away with by moving to town. It will cost him some to move, but the business men have wisely contributed $100.00 to him to help defray these expenses, realizing that a resident creamery will help and also aid the farmers who live in the surrounding territory and have cows. Heretofore farmers living north and west of Mazeppa have had to go to more distant towns to find a market for their cream or milk. After the change is made they can market it at home. And it will mean but little if any more inconvenient for those living south of here, as although their hauls may be a little further, they can do their village trading at the same time. Mr. McCray expects to begin moving about the first of next month.